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Help Keep Your Looking Its Best

General Cleaning & Disinfecting

Routine cleaning with soapy water or an ammonia-based cleaning product will remove most dirt and stains. Water spots can be removed by wiping the surface with a damp cloth and towel drying. To disinfect, occasionally wipe the surface with equal parts of household bleach and water, then towel dry.

Heat & Chemicals

Dovaé withstands heat better than ordinary surface materials. However, all solid surface will expand and contract under extreme temperature changes, which can result in scorching or cracking. To prevent such damage it is recommended that you always place frying pans, hot pots and any heat-generating appliances on a hot pad or trivet with rubber-tipped feet.

Avoid harsh chemicals such as stove and drain cleaners, toilet bowl cleaners, paint solvents or acetone-based nail polish remover. Nail polish should be removed with non-acetone based nail polish remover and flushed with water.

Always run cool water while pouring hot grease to cool lightly before pouring into the sink or disposal.

Stains, Scratches & Cuts

By following the procedures outlined in the tables (right), the homeowner can remove most cuts and scratches. Severe sratches, damage from fallng objects, or any area the owner is not comfortable in repairing should be referred to an austhorized Dovae dealer. The procedures have been separated based on the finish of the surface.